The Right Colours for the Job - Tattoo Pigments Old and New
Not every tattoo is the same. That is the point of tattoos, as any skin art freak will affirm. It's not a simple peak the tattoo is an ancient art form, which has spawned numerous variants over the centuries. That means whole different" seminaries" of tattooing, each with their own look and pictorial language. Tattoos are not simply different filmland they're individual statements in whole different languages, with particular inks suitable for( indeed demanded by) particular cants. There are as numerous types of tattoo colors as there are tattoo languages to do any tattoo right, the proper colours have to be taken into consideration. Colour Pigments Take two simple exemplifications, both of which should be enough common to the knowledge of the average Westerner. On the one hand, we've navigational style tattoos- a catchall term that includes nonmilitary service tattoos, corsair inspired tattoos, and the Caribbean tattoo look innovated by returning US soldiers in...