Is Triple H Running the WWE?

Rumours have been circulating recently that Edge was moved from Raw to Smackdown for reasons other than the injuries suffered by The Undertaker andMr. Kennedy. The reason, so goes the rumour, is that with his ever imminent return to action due Triple H made it clear to WWE operation that he did not believe Edge was a big enough star to be battling with TripleH. wwe news In utmost cases you would argue this was just over imaginative suckers making a story out of nothing but given the murky history of Triple H and his sabotaging of other wrestlers pushes up the graduation can we be so quick to dismiss it? When Triple H returned in the Afterlife of 2005 after taking time out it was anticipated he'd return on fire and as a addict favorite to refreshen up his character and this sounded to be the case, until just two weeks in he was back to the same old heel character he would played for times. triadic H's return took in a couple of average gimmick matches against the history it Ric Flair and a lame feud with The Big Show, but although both were poor feuds numerous put this down to Triple H's opponents rather than the King of lords. Edge finished of his feud with Matt Hardy with a high quality sword pen battle and a slightly disappointing graduation match but overall the feud was veritably amusing. On the night Edge was supposed to take up contest with triadic H's recent sparring mate Ric Flair, Edge surprised everyone by cleverly cashing in his plutocrat in the bank title shot straight after John Cena had defended the title in an elimination chamber, within 30 seconds Edge was the champion. For several weeks the conditions soared on Raw with Edge as titlist still the reign was short lived and Cena relieved Edge of the title in rematch at the Royal Rumble. This is where the first whispers of Triple H's hindrance appeared. There was talk that WWE were considering putting Edge in the main event at Wrestlemania either against Triple H as titlist or as a fellow rival in a triadic trouble contest but triadic H was not keen on the idea and did not consider Edge a serious main eventer. Triadic H went on to meet Cena at Wrestlemania and the two put up a decent trouble but hardly anything special but at Backlash Edge was added to the blend. All three men had amazing chemistry on the mic before the event and the match itself was fairly good, triadic H's first authentically good trouble since his return in the Afterlife. Was triadic H now back to his stylish? Shortly after Backlash Triple H did what the suckers had hoped for upon his return and went babyface bringing with it the return of DegenerationX. sorely it was a false dawn for triadic H's return to quality. A poor feud with the Spirit Squad and a couple of amusing gimmick matches against the Mcmahons proved little. It was starting to feel like Triple H demanded a gimmick to put on a good show. Eventually the chance for quality matches came on with the alliance of Randy Orton and Edge, two guys who where further than able of having great matches. sorely formerly again the matches failed to live up to prospects but there also sounded further to the feud than appeared to the naked eye. This was WWE's chance to get Edge and Orton over big time by beating or indeed destroying the fabulous DX, yet what happed was the complete contrary it was Edge and Orton who where destroyed in their final meeting. The feud was ended their due to triadic H's injury but it's doubtful Edge and Orton would've turned the drift on DX. Again rumors surfaced that Triple H was the bone who refused to put their youngish rivals over but again this is unproven and the argument does have faults, one being that Randy Orton is a good friend of Triple H's so he'd no reason to hold Orton back. Also Michaels is no foreigner to refusing to put people over maybe it was him and not The Game who chose not to loose the feud. also again perhaps, although a strange decision, it was WWE's plan of the feud each on. still, surely triadic H can see the huge eventuality of a feud between the two, let's face it Edge v Triple H would make a far better Wrestlemania main event than the bones we have had in recent times and the two have good chemistry on the mic together as stressed by there brief feud in the figure up to Backlash, If the rumors are true why would triadic H want Edge held back? Whether he likes Edge as an individual or not. Also Edge is now a proven main eventer so what would be the point in not wanting Edge on his show. There are those that will say triadic H sees Edge as a trouble, he is youngish, great on the mic, seductive and a fantastic in ring pantomime, which is commodity triadic H has plodded with in recent times, but for all that I believe there's another reason for Edge's move to Smackdown. The injury extremity on Smackdown no doubt speeded up the process but I believe his move was ineluctable. For Edge to remain a main eventer it was easier to give him the belt on Smackdown and allow Triple H to return and feud with Cena over the Raw interpretation. My final study is this, I am not saying Triple H played no part in Edge's move but do not be surprised if the two men are headlining against each other at coming times Wrestlemania.


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