Curiosity and Change
" Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, robotic delight, or any experience that reveals the mortal spirit."-e.e cummings
What's curiosity for you? How does curiosity show up in your life at work, at home, at play and in relationship?
Curiosity is dateless; it always was and always will be. It transcends race, religion, politics, finance, culture, bias and prejudice.
Curiosity allows us to look beyond our eyes," out there", and to arrive at a place of originality, freshness- a introductory reality from an untainted perspective. curiosidades
What curiosity does is allow us to see new trueness, trueness that support the elaboration of our characters, our communities and our institutions.
One way to know if curiosity is part of the fabric of your life is to look at how you live your life
At work- What's your vision- charge statement like? Do you have a strategic plan? What's funded and what isn't? Is there an active and engaged R&D trouble? What about training and development? What's the culture around commerce and interpersonal communication like? How and where does curiosity grow and thrive? Are folks openly encouraged to" suppose", discover, and try out new ideas?
At home- What's your family's charge statement? Are there participated values? How are the" fresh" and the" new" looked upon? Is naturalness squashed by tyrannous routines and structure? Who's being creative? How are new ideas and fresh approaches to the way your family lives generated and/ or looked upon?
You Do you have a purpose statement? What are your life's fancies? How important of your life is habitual, in what you do, in what you say, in what you suppose? Are you engaged in harmonious discovery and disquisition? Are you a threat taker? Are you comfortable doing what you detest to do, what you're hysterical of doing, or doing commodity that is" not like me?"
Whether at work, at home, in relationship or in the company of your own tone, do you generally come from a place of having it" all figured out?" How's that working- especially in these turbulent and grueling times? Is your life( particular, commercial) so mechanical that there's no room for curiosity or curiousness?
When was he last time youre-invented your business, your relationship, your tone? How do you feel about the notion ofre-inventing?Exhilarated.fearful?
As a youthful child, each of us was curious, the consummate discoverer. We were open to the new, the magical, the aliveness and the wonder of life. We had no misperceptions, misconstructions, misconceptions, prospects, or paradigms with which to view our world. Just curiosity, and awe.
But, also, it stops. We're tutored how to suppose, do and be in ways that are" applicable" for good little boys and girls. The fortunate bones lessen the swaying, and find ways to allow their curiosity and awe to thrive.
Too, as one grows aged, numerous fall into habitual ways of living life. They tire and fall into the routine. Others repel the pattern and choose to take pitfalls, to look beyond the immediate and step off the well- worn path of the" tried and true", the familiar, the comfortable, the" safe."
Curiosity is a particular discussion bone has with one's tone.
numerous moment are having this discussion not only at middle age, but at quarter- life- lack of engagement, dissatisfaction, searching for a deeper meaning of life andre-evaluating their place in the grand scheme of effects is fostering their curiosity.
Associations and connections- each of these realities needs to engage in the disquisition of change in order to thrive and prosper. Curiosity supports the association to look with fresh eyes at occasion, competitiveness, effectiveness, and sustainability. Curiosity supports connections to look with fresh eyes at their aliveness, naturalness, development, connection, joy, happiness and bliss.
Unfortunately, there are individualities in associations and connections who want to" kill the runner" who see the" curious" as those wanting to" fix what is not broken", wanting to upset" stability", who see the curious as someone who just can not leave effects the way they are.
On the other hand associations and connections that evolve, grow, survive and thrive are those who accept and value the curious as awful and unique souls who profit the association and relationship through their delving, inquiring, exploring and wonder.
The beauty of the curious is frequently they aren't" experts" or advisers . They're just individualities with an inquiring mind- who inspire wonder, imagination, disquisition and openness to the new.
What frequently gets in the way of curiosity is hubris- an compulsive pride that reflects an" I know it all" approach to life and living- in commercial life and particular life. Hubris shadows the imagination, dims the light, closes down the imagination, stifles invention and occludes consummation.
Ours is a culture replete with tedium- lots of exertion( pattern doing) but little action( freshness of doing), little curiosity.
numerous of our businesses and utmost of our connections warrant curiosity- the" secret sauce" of moving forward with a" different- ness" that serves to promote a healthy sense of thriving, renewal, rejuvenescence and development.
Curiosity demands an innocence; many are willing to take on being innocent-fearful of seeing life with a" freshman's mind", or of allowing a" not knowing." They need to have all
The downside to the strike in both our current profitable world and in our world of unhealthy and unhappy connections is that the stress we're passing can serve as an motivation to be curious about how to" make this work." For numerous, their stress is a motivator to seek positive change and metamorphosis.
numerous businesses and connections are in a state of flux- of being curious and looking for new ways to survive. Successful businesses and healthy connections are conforming, and contriving new strategies to thrive and survive. These will be awarded. These will be smarter, more, healthier and happier associations and connections.
Businesses and connections are facing serious challenges. We need to be curious about, to wonder about where we're headed both in the boardroom and in the bedroom. Curiosity can lead us to" right knowing"," right understanding" and" right action" but only if we enter into the trip of curiosity with an open mind-free from any preconceived sundries or prospects.
" It's a phenomenon that curiosity survives formal education."- Albert Einstein
So, some questions for tone- reflection are
- Would you describe yourself as a curious soul? Would your family, your musketeers, your associates at work?
- Has your curiosity lead you to new ideas, perceptivity, discoveries? How so?
- Do you repel being curious? If so, why do you suppose this is?
- Does your association support" curiosity"?
- Do you allow curiosity to weave through your particular connections?
- Are you one who needs to" have all the answers?" Are you a threat- taker? Do you prefer the routine?
- Are you ever bored at work, at home? If so, why?
- What was your experience around curiosity as a child? Were your parents or primary caregivers curious? Did anyone ever glare on your imagination, your stories, your aliveness, your awe? Did your parents or primary caregivers encourage your curiosity and imagination?
- Can you fantasize a world where curiosity plays a major part in defining how you live your life?
Peter Vajda,Ph.D,C.P.C. is a founding mate of SpiritHeart, an Atlanta- grounded company that supports conscious living through coaching and comforting. With a practice grounded on the dynamic crossroad of mind, body, emotion and spirit, Peter's' whole person' guiding approach supports deep and sustainable change and metamorphosis.
Peter facilitates and guides leaders and directors, individualities in their particular and work life, mates and couples, groups and brigades to move to new situations of tone- mindfulness, enhancing their capability to show up genuinely and with a jacked sense of wellbe-ing, inner harmony and interpersonal effectiveness as they live their lives at work, at home, at play and in relationship.
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